Verse 7

We go through many seasons of life. God is always with us through all these seasons. The toughest seasons for many of us are the ones when everything is or seems out of our control. Things don't seem to be going or to be going right. These seasons look like seasons of loss. Do not despair. Do all you can to trust in the Lord . He will see you through. Prayer is the key even when it seems as though God is not responding; be rest assured, he is working. Keep faith alive. Our provider is on your side. Your life is not over. This hard season will be over. When it is over you will run and meet up and be ahead and not be weary. 


  1. So true. So evocative of the Words chanted in the Siyah-Chal: "God is sufficient unto me; He verity is the All-sufficing! In Him let the trusting trust." The monarch who could hear that song all the way in his thick-walled palace is no more. His dynasty neither reigns nor rules today. The dungeon itself was filled in & replaced by, interestingly, an opera house. The Words remain. Thank you for calling them to mind again for me.


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