
Showing posts from November, 2017

Verse 30

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1. God created all you see and all you don't see. Everything created by God has a beginning. God is the creator and author of all things in heaven and earth. The Lord created and everything was good. You are one of God's great creations. Begin with him everyday.

Verse 29

The LORD protects and defends me; I trust in him. He gives me help and makes me glad; I praise him with joyful songs. Psalms 28:7 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Trust in him with everything. He will give you joy and gladness in return. Amen!

Verse 28

For it is by God's grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God's gift, so that no one can boast about it. Ephesians 2:8‭-‬9 GNB Thank you Lord for your grace changed all of me for better. May his grace continue to better your life. Amen!

Verse 27

God's grace strengthens us. Have you asked him for his grace today? But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ's power over me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Verse 26

For everyone who asks will receive, and anyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to those who knock. Matthew 7:8 GNB Dear, what are you looking for? Ask in the name of the Lord, seek from the Lord God, and knock for the Lord hears you, the door will be opened to you.

Verse 25

For our life is a matter of faith, not of sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 GNB When you don't let your problems distract from where you are going; you've got faith. When the odds are against you, but you keep working towards that something good; you've got faith. Keep believing in the best to come.

Verse 24

To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1  When all fails and you got faith, be rest assured what cannot been seen will be seen.

Verse 23

We don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:18  Focus on the goodness you are hoping for and it will come to you.

Verse 22

Everything written in the Scriptures was written to teach us, in order that we might have hope through the patience and encouragement which the Scriptures give us. Romans 15:4 Reading the scriptures will encourage and give you hope everytime, especially when you need it most.

Verse 21

Lord thank you for filling me with your peace; thank you for giving me your wisdom; thank you for filling me with your spirit. Amen!

Verse 20

Prayer is the key. Goodmorning Jesus is a prayer. Thank you Lord is a prayer. Father show me your plan for me is also a prayer. Lord take over is a prayer. May your will be done oh God is a prayer too. Connect to God everyday. Plug-in to him in the morning; afternoon; night; every hour; every minute; every time. 

Verse 19

The truth is God is the word. He is the vine. He is the way. He is the healer; the hope. He is the director, builder and the finisher. He is the truth. Invite him to transform your life.

Verse 18

Who is God? He is good. He is merciful. He is faithful. Take comfort in who God is. Trust in who he is. Trust your dreams, hopes, future in him. He is the one and only true God.

Verse 17

God is good! Your battle is his battle; hand it over to him. He is making everything right for you. Ask for his peace and just be calm. God is always good!

Verse 16

In the season to gather and plant beautiful seeds. It may make no sense at all, because the soil is hard, but the rain is coming. When you are in the season of challenges, trials, and tribulations; keep going because it will rain, the sun will shine and the seeds will bloom; you will bloom in Jesua name. Amen!

Verse 15

Share your plans, dreams, and hopes with God; turn in everything to him; seek his help and you will be successful. He will show you the doors to take. He is faithful like that. 

Verse 14

The devil will attempt to steal and kill your peace, trust, courage, calmness, self-esteem, happiness, self-confidence, and joy. He will try to replace them with fear, anxiety, sadness and shame. When you recognize the change coming, begin to thank God for blessing you with his peace, his joy, his grace, his mercy, his favor into your life. Keep going until you return to fullness.

Verse 13

Pray: "Thank you Lord God for providing all I need to be happy". Amen!

Verse 12

Speak these words to your heart. Be lifted in high spirit. Start your day right. You have the strength to face everything today through the powers our Lord gave you. 

Verse 11

Prayer is as simple as just asking God for his advise on anything. It is as simple as asking God "if you should do something". He will answer you. Be specific with your question. Before seeking advise from anyone, try God first. He will give you what you need.

Verse 10

He gives us his mercy everyday. He gives us his grace everyday. We are worth this much to our almighty God. We mean a lot to him. We are here for his glory. Thank you God for providing all we need to trive in the life you gave us. Amen!  

Verse 9

Every testing moments and every trials that you have experienced will not overcome you because God is with you all the way. He is faithful. Believe that! He will not allow testing moments to go longer than you can handle. Be sure to focus on him. He will always provide you all you need to trive and survive; he provides you a way out of all temptations. Focus on God all the time. Let this encourage you to not be afraid or panic in face of trials . You will trive because God is faithful and with you all the way.

Verse 8

 Focus on what God says you are. Focus on what God says about you. Believe what God says about you. And speak life into yourself. Our self-talk should be filled with what is beautiful and attractive; what is amazing and a masterpiece. Our God did not make a mistake about us. We are his masterpiece . Speak beauty, life, love, peace, amazing, healed, whole, matter, victorious in your mind. #affirmations 

Verse 7

We go through many seasons of life. God is always with us through all these seasons. The toughest seasons for many of us are the ones when everything is or seems out of our control. Things don't seem to be going or to be going right. These seasons look like seasons of loss. Do not despair. Do all you can to trust in the Lord . He will see you through. Prayer is the key even when it seems as though God is not responding; be rest assured, he is working. Keep faith alive. Our provider is on your side. Your life is not over. This hard season will be over. When it is over you will run and meet up and be ahead and not be weary. 

Verse 6

When I started reading the bible a lot more like I never did before, I started to discover many answers to so many of my questions. Confusions about life cleared. I found new perspectives to life, and to living. My faith got stronger. A lot of changes happened. May reading the bible continue to change our lives. Amen!! 

Verse 5

Faith is knowing that God will do what he says he will do. He has the plans for your better future. Sometimes we are weak in our wait for God's answers, that we start to do things ourselves. In this life, do all you can to build up your faith.  God is working on the answers to your prayers. He said he will do it. He never fails. So build up your faith so you have a better life. 

Verse 4

Build your faith through hearing and reading the word of god . These are the fastest way to strenghten our faith. Having a one verse of the bible everyday gets you closer to your better you everyday.

Verse 3

Remember when Jesus said "when I was hungry you gave me food, when I was naked you clothed me" and the disciples of Christ wondered when they did these things. Here is when. Give to those who don't have when you have. Give love, respect, kindness, humility, peace, money, food, water, shelter etc. You are taking care of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Verse 2

Speak life. Speak kindness. Speak God's truth. Speak gentle words. Speak words that heals. Speak joy. Speak patience. Speak peace. Speak love. Speak all these and God's goodness to all and yourself whenever they are needed and nothing more.

Verse 1

Think about it; God has the plans for your life, for the future you hope for. What is left for you to do is to ask God for these plans he already has; he will answer you.